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Date Posted: 12:09:37 06/21/12 Thu
Author: Lewis H.
Author Host/IP: adsl-74-235-197-149.mco.bellsouth.net /
Subject: Remember the Maytag repairman?

He was lonely too. I hope everyone is ok and is just too busy having fun enjoying summer to post. What am I up to?
Playing Diablo 3, Watching Royal Pains and Burn Notice, and playing bridge. My ankle is still healing up so no golf or bowling for at least a couple more weeks. I probably could if I really wanted to but I'm playing it safe. I bought an ankle wrap for when I'm ready to give it a try.

My nephews are sharing an apartment in Evanston Illinois now and my sister and brother in law are driving out there with a car for them to use this week. I'm only 50 but between that and being retired I feel a little old ... er. I'm pretty happy with my life though.

And the word of the day is petulant. Lewis is being petulant and will not post another MNA until he sees that there are actually other people that still post to the board. (I talk to myself enough as it is and one of us thinks I'm crazy.)

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[> Re: Remember the Maytag repairman? -- Caroline, 18:38:24 06/21/12 Thu (5ade00fd.bb.sky.com/

Who's the Maytag repairman?

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[> [> Re: Remember the Maytag repairman? -- Saltygoodness, 19:09:38 06/22/12 Fri (NoHost/

It was a Maytag t.v. commercial touting the reliability of Maytag appliances. Since the appliances never needed repairing, the Maytag repairman was the loneliest man in the world. No mail, no phone calls, no computer since we didn't have them yet. Kinda silly, but, then, I think most commercials are silly. Hugs

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[> [> [> Re: Remember the Maytag repairman? -- Caroline, 00:38:09 06/23/12 Sat (5ade00fd.bb.sky.com/

Ah-hah, that makes sense.

BTW - we are actually having the most brilliant sunrise - so bright, you can't look at it. After days of rain, it's very welcome.

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[> Re: Remember the Maytag repairman? -- Lewis H., 19:14:07 06/23/12 Sat (adsl-74-235-197-149.mco.bellsouth.net/

here's the original:


There have been 3 other actors since.

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[> A. Burn Notice is off to a kick arse start -- sparkle, 11:52:05 06/26/12 Tue (24-107-135-153.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com/

B. My internal conversations are sometimes worthy of a novel, but not like 50 Shades type. C. I'm sorry about your ankle! When I had foot surgery it really brought me down. Are you watching Lost Girl? It's kind of a silly guilty pleasure.

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[> [> Re: A. Burn Notice is off to a kick arse start -- Lewis H., 17:57:01 06/26/12 Tue (adsl-74-235-197-242.mco.bellsouth.net/

I love Lost Girl. I'm giving my gf Season 1 for her birthday. (It's already on DVD because S1 & S2 already ran in Canada before SF started running it.)

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[> [> [> It's totally a fun sexy sometimes mindless show that I love! -- sparkle, 12:39:26 06/27/12 Wed (24-107-135-153.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com/

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[> You had ankle surgery? -- Caroline, 21:30:20 07/08/12 Sun (5ade2646.bb.sky.com/

What on earth happened?

Burn Notice is back on in the UK next week, so we are in hot anticipation of that (see the pun? Yes, I know, awful). However, we're approaching the end of Eureka, so, many sobs. No puns for that as we will genuinely miss it.

I started watching Lost Girl and then missed some and abandoned it but now I'm wishing I had carried on. I'll have to find a download.

However, if anyone's interested in history and would like a couple of books for the summer, may I recommend Bring Up the Bodies by Hilary Mantel and She-Wolves: England's Early Queens by Dr Helen Castor. (There's also a brilliant BBC series of this.)

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