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Re: Well, that's true! -- Caroline, 17:01:58 07/10/12 Tue (
I should quit moaning - there's loads of people less fortunate - although a good grouse does make you feel better! Love to you too.
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I didn't mean ... -- Lewis H., 11:24:57 07/16/12 Mon (
you weren't allowed to grouse, especially if it makes you feel better BUT I also think perspective helps you feel better too, at leastit works for me whenever I start feeling down. There's a line in a song I like that says "take all of your so called problems, better put them in quotations". I think it applies to a lot of things that we do blow out of proportion. Or like Salty says (or the wise woman towards the end of Oklahoma) we just keep soldiering on in the face of what life throws at us. The alternative is to lie down and give up and that's too Byronesque for me.Heck, even the characters in Russian novels don't do that and talk about misery...
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