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Date Posted: 09:48:27 07/18/12 Wed
Author: chuckit25 (enjoy a wet dream maybe?)
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-84-130-111.neb.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: The weather in the UK is rubbish!
In reply to: Caroline 's message, "The weather in the UK is rubbish!" on 17:03:19 07/06/12 Fri

THe inescapable is not always "background noise;" it is the noise and is also known by the word torture. I do feel sorry for you in the misery of such helpless extremes!

I saw a "newsreel" that the rain is making the stiff upper lip quiver in the context of endless distractions to normal routines surrounding the Olympics and, looking at the coats and caps, woolies all, I actually enjoyed a roll of goosebumps: thoughts of a real NE winter and that heat came and rescued me. hee hee.

Change is the constant... of complaint! Perfect equilibrium would be unsensational, literally. I think other gnawing anxieties are the real context to the sense of helplessness in absolute control despite the best and inclusive plans. Our lizard brains as an operating system are afraid of even lizards or blizzards, so huddle together, children. Voy demons are laughing.

I enjoyed the Northern Lights a bit ago, visible in skies that never see them.

Berkshire season went well for me, so I am plagued with new ideas on top of promises and installations.

ANYBODY get over to SDCC? It's gone way crazy, I hear.

I hear Joss is in his fine ever form, (despite the actual messages of dismal humanity, zombie apocalypse and killing every one we love--but not the annoying characters: Andrew I am looking at you, now a Topher of Dollhouse Just die).

I don't care if Andrew is slated for sainthood--Xander is slated to be holding a deep well of rage (!); and it would seem that people finally (! have you met me?) figured out that Spike is the LOKI figure, so his story will darken. I expect him to be a watcher. Seriously. He won't ever have kids and all know when two little girls put their heads together: woe, woe, woe for order and stability, we invite fun Spike's ability! (He used to be the truthteller and he is like Coyote/Acme aka "the punching bag," even if he wins the fight).

Buffy herself is Peter Pan, so the "decision" as to her fate is done, even as the dual time line story is carried by Willow off to Quortoth in the Faith and Angel title. That book holds up in the world building better than Buffy, IMO.

NO, I don't believe Joss will do a Buffy movie, he's done with her. (sniff...wah!) but Avengers II could be in his wheel house as he introduced some old evils that could hold promise for a new POV. James was at the FandomFest in Louisville, KY, and I gather there is a new Ghost of the Robot album?

DB spent forever talking about Angel on the Bones forum (hee--now he is game for an Angel movie...heh) You Bones fans will emjoy the skull POV for one of the eps in season 8.

Joss's Much Ado About Nothing was the pitch, and CW will show Dr. HOrrible in fall. Keep an eye out!

I thought the funniest thing was the complaint of Hero block buster movies that overshadow the "little stories"--that Joss seems to have not only become evil adding to the problem, (hilarious) he also has this new thing called success no one can argue. He pitched Hunger Games; what do you think of it? I was apalled at the premise of starving people used as entertainment. Jeebers. What a world despite the heroic and female protagonist. People are evil. Jeebers....Hunger really doesn't look like "need to survive;" it consumes utterly.


"Hanna" in the less famous vein showed me a different world even of the "regular folk:" ("she just needs some mothering") not to mention great, believable kids; and it made an impression on me in her hopeful and good future, having won her freedom.

SPOILER: I think the "justice" of Cabin in the Woods still mostly says that humanity isn't worth saving, (or choosing to destroy it is what makes us worth saving it which doesn't help in "life" is what we value, not just "human life;" which is the message I now see constantly being tossed into the Buffy mix. I hate this "mix" of thematic verses making each and every character become any character in any book. (Crossovers actually make use of "distinction").

I do understand that for Buffy to actually grow up, she dies or the world must die (hence we have dual time lines that loop with ancient Willow dying at both ends, once as DW and once as the Guardian (season 7) to actually create Twilight!_ I accept either view for "the final, final" death that leads to "normal" and happily ever after, which...will never happen as Joss wants her to outlive him. Icon aka paper doll, rather than the avatar of female warrior principle each and every human has within. Too bad they are actually stating that all of Angel's guys were "male slayers without super powers." eye roll. They just killed every structure I had for comprehending (or caring) about this verse unless there is a serious corrective measure done. STAT. Not every writer can tell the tale without some kind of stumble, after all, they didn't invent the verse.

I've rambled all about and I just have to shout! LOUD! I miss you and in the same "fire everything!" wish: have a good day!

Be well

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