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Date Posted: 19:22:37 07/18/12 Wed
Author: sparkle
Author Host/IP: 24-107-135-153.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com /
Subject: Thanks chuckit25! Kind thoughts are always welcome.
In reply to: sparkle 's message, "A sad farewell to Cafe Diem." on 10:31:11 07/17/12 Tue

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[> Re: A sad farewell to Cafe Diem. -- Lewis H., 12:32:30 07/20/12 Fri (adsl-74-235-197-242.mco.bellsouth.net/

Actually, I think Eureka left just in time. The last season was good and did visit some new ground but there was also a lot of formulaic stuff as well. The final scene was apropos with the sherriff leaving and arriving at the same time and saying he would deal with it tomorrow.

Unlike the end of Buffy we can imagine a Eureka that goes on forever. They could just as easily have had the whole town sucked into a wormhole and imploded. Glad they didn't.

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[> [> The finale was a solid one indeed. -- sparkle, 11:25:10 07/23/12 Mon (24-107-128-138.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com/

It also allows another network to possibly pick up. IF that happens, I hope they pick up the storylines a little, as you mentioned. I mean I loved it even though it was fairly formulaic. But with the end "save" by the guy from BSG, it could be a different take. Ok, I guess I'll just let it go! *sigh*

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[> [> [> Also Warehouse 13 is in the same universe -- Lewis H., 09:58:27 07/24/12 Tue (adsl-74-235-197-242.mco.bellsouth.net/

they probably can still have a character show up there if they want. The season premier of W13 was pretty good. We were all expecting a rewind when they showed the watch at the end of last season but the bonus of unleashing evil to do it is a nice twist, especially when the evil isn't who you might expect.

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[> [> [> [> I have it dvr'd and haven't seen yet but you are right! -- sparkle, 08:48:21 07/25/12 Wed (24-107-128-138.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com/

I forgot about the crossovers so there is always that opportunity. Thanks for the reminder.

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