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Date Posted: 19:10:44 08/16/12 Thu
Author: chuckit25 (Haaawwt)
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-84-130-111.neb.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: Things on top of other things - MNA
In reply to: Lewis H. 's message, "Things on top of other things - MNA" on 12:02:15 07/30/12 Mon

And kinda creepy, we're peeking!

I shoulda guessed that poor Xander would end up with a dead girl, since Joss bumped all of them off. The day is young on Dawn's survival, considering she has been a mecha dawn, a centaur and a doll.

I wish Cordy would have stayed put; the "original couples" were so attractive and I have no problem with Willow working her wild,maybe with a new version of denning-family in Oz and Tara, especially since Joss had to murder Tara and Willow seems to be in love with a snake. Um hmmm.

Maybe Harmony could have done the Spike dealio with the soul-journey, but in her characteristic weakness for popularity, the pretty, the safe, the shoes, the glamor. Some freaking humor on ATS.

Well, Anya would have been of greater use as a vengeance demon over on ATS, too. Maybe our hero would have had "a mirror" that could have saved an awful lot of awful. And I still claw my eyes out with ConCord.

Thanks for puting the pretty into the "framing of the day," Lewis.

Be well,

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