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This messageboard is dedicated to the greatest group ever: *NSYNC "MY *N SYNC THEME!" (a parody to the "Mickey Mouse Club Theme") Click here, sing along to my 'NSYNCin'-MMC parody, plus my other parodies | Please scroll down all the way. If you want to know about *NSYNC's appearances, just do a post here and others will be happy to answer you. SOME MORE WORDS of CAUTION: I will NOT tolerate any *NSync bashing at this board & if you wish to do so, *NSync's words, say, "Bye, Bye, Bye" to your post/reply if I feel that it's not suitable around here. Also, I ask that none of you attack your fellow/fella NN boardies here by cursing at them, etc...b/c you wouldn't want them to do the same to you, would you? Other than that, feel free to post anything.....This site is not limited to 'N Sync fanatics! THANKS!!!!! |
***Currently, *N SYNC is #38 (Awww...they are going downhill) (No Strings Attached) on the "Billboard Top 200 Albums" (Click Here!) for the week ending MARCH 3rd!!! Holy, moly! NSA is @10 million copies sold! Whoo-hoo!***
(If you have additional news info, TV appearances, add to the list below, please let me know and I'll credit you at this section)
2-11: MTV's "Celebrity Deathmatch" @8-8:30pm
2-21: CBS's "43rd Annual Grammy Awards" @8-11pm
2-24: FOX Family's "Total Access 24/7" @10:30-11am
2-25: FOX's "The Simpsons" @8-8:30pm
'N SYNC Poll #1 | 'N SYNC Poll #2 | Go vote w/your freakin' 'NSYNCin' finger lickin' hands off @: MTV's Total Request Live | Marylin's website: *NSYNC WORLD NN Free-For-All Links ---> (Click here to automatically add your link to the NN site w/out my approval!) NN Soul-Sister Board ---> NN Web Forum (Click here to join the NNers!) NN Chatroom ---> (Click here to chat-it-up amongst the NNers!) | Please NOTE: This board is now the newly relocated home of the NN board. The old NN board @mb#796943 (Please DON'T go here anymore) is now R.I.P. ---> Birthdate: 09-06-98 Deceased: 03-05-01 Let everybody know about the new move, okay? |
Wanna reminisce about the MMC? Fellow/Fella NN addict? If so, then join 'n the MMCin'/'NSYNCin' fun at this board/website!
May NN Boardies' B-days:
(If your B-day is during this month, let me know so that I may add you to the list below)
Chris's Mrs. (17)