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Subject: Need active players

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Date Posted: 16:19:37 03/31/05 Thu

Looking for active, advanced/mature players for slaves/servants trying to get active.

Name: Audrina

Nickname: IS mainly called Rina, but sometimes might be called Audri.

Age: She appears to be 19, but she is older, though how much older is not exactly known, it is thought to be older then 500, but less then 1000

Gender: Female

Species: was part demon before blood bound

Master: Minuit

Position: Lower of the high rankings.

Sexuality: Bisexual.

Powers: Most if not all are stripped at the moment

Appearance: Longish blonde hair that falls to about her mid-back. She has light baby blue eyes that change with her mood, to a red when mad, black when upset, and just darken when up to ‘no good’. Has a scar on her left shoulder that looks like “Min” with a crescent moon. Stands no more then 5’6, and weighing only 120 pounds.

Personality: She is not the politest of min slaves. Often sarcastic with her, and will refuse to use titles more just to see how far she can push her. She can be abusive to other slaves sometimes, and refuses to show them respect. Will argue over things with Minuit but in the end does know her limits, and when to behave. Does have a fear of Minuit, but won’t show it until Minuit’s Is completely pissed off. Also respects her master

Pics Maybe (Feel free to change if you like)





Name: Sylvana


Age: looks to be about 18… in truth is a little over 100… one of Minuit’s youngest servants

Gender: Female

Species: Witch

Master: Minuit

Sexuality: Bisexual

Position: Higher lower…

Powers: not that many wasn’t the strongest of her line. Only power gained was ‘control of fire’… which was only recently returned (and can be stripped again with little warning)

Appearance: She has dark brown hair (that is usually dyed black or red), that goes to just her shoulders. She has a some what delicate frame, but not small standing at 5’8, she weighs 134 pounds. Has minor scaring down her back from whips, and around her wrist and ankles. Has almost stormy blue/gray/green eyes, though they often appear more black with her bad moods.

Personality: she not submissive persay but she afraid to act out to badly. Though she can have quite the attitude when pushed far enough. she doesn’t really like being told what to do, and will only listen to her master. Respects Minuit as all the servants do. She often getting into trouble for picking on the other servants. Doesn’t really get along with most of them. Seems to think she getting away with causing problems, though Minuit will sooner or later discipline her, it will only calm her down for a short while.

Past: was orphaned at only a few days old, was sent to a family who beat her. Ran away at only 6, and not even a year later was found by Minuit, who picked her up and ‘raised’ her. Once she was 13 she started ‘training’.

I might add more later… also feel free to alter the stats of either of them as you like just run it by me first…

Can also make up your own, if you are willing to run stats by min… any Gender will work. Must look at least 14 and no older then 23. real age can be no older then 1500. Sexuality Should be Bisexual (Males are needed)

Only mature players be warned things do happen to get graphic when Min is involved.

All slaves are trained in ‘pleasure’ and expected to be fine with sleeping with more then one person at once. Though some might be placed at barn

I will be asking a sample post… for those who interested. Feel free to

Im me/Email me with any questions Im will get a quicker response (obviously) but I don’t always respond to my mail right away

Email: Hlle1@yahoo.com
Yahoo messenger: Hlle1@yahoo.com
AIM: Xo Minuit oX
MSN: midnight_predator@hotmail.com

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Subject Author Date
AudrinaSophi06:22:45 04/02/05 Sat
Still need one for Sylvana plus any others (NT)Minuit19:33:52 04/03/05 Sun
up (NT)--19:47:31 04/06/05 Wed
SylvanaRaina06:39:48 04/09/05 Sat
  • oops -- Min, 19:23:48 04/12/05 Tue
Audrina needs new player (NT)Min20:09:00 05/09/05 Mon
AudrinaSawda04:16:21 05/17/05 Tue
and..sawda05:29:10 05/17/05 Tue

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