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Date Posted: 13:46:03 05/21/05 Sat

Regan Moore



Blond locks, blue pools and is reasonably short in comparison to his girlfriend Alsyee. He also has sevral tattoo's; "Alsyee Forever" on his right shoulder, and a large african tribal tattoo high on his right arm.

He is pretty laid back but very lovible. He likes to be in controle and be considered the "man". Very protective over his girlfriend Alsyee, especialy beacuse she is now pregnant. Sometimes he can get a bit rough with Alsyee and he has shoved her a couple of times but he always apologises. As Alsyee is only sixteen he knows that young girls need to be treated right. They love each other but he knows thats Alsyee is a pretty girl, and pretty girls are never lonely...

His girlfriend Alsyee is now a couple of months pregnant. Alsyee knows that it is a boy but hasn't told Regan yet. Alsyee is a bit of a player and Regan needs to keep his eye on her.


Alsyee (Said Al-Se) Moore



Medium blond/brown hair, green pools, medium height and very pretty. She has sevral tattoo's; a red rose on her right shoulder, a white dove on her left ankle, a heart with the words "My Baby" on her right hip, a large butterfly on her lower back and the words "Alsyee Diavolo" across her left wrist. Ears and Navel pierced.

She is very loving a caring but she is detirmined and always wants to get what she wants. She can be head strong. She is very quick witted. She loves to be the center of attention and isn't afraid to "flaunt it". She loves her boyfriend very much and is curantly pregnant with his child. But she can be a bit of a player. She has been abused by boyfriends in her past but she knows Regan loves her.


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