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Date Posted: 17:08:43 11/27/06 Mon
Author: Chris
Subject: Jacob

I think that everyone is aware by now that after being seizure free for close to 8 months that Jacob has started having seizures again. We saw the neurologist today and Jacob was very sleepy which is starting to be the norm lately. He said that it is a sign that he is having seizures in his sleep and therefore to expect this from now on. He has increased his morning dose of keppra as it was the only one left to increase as he will be on maximum doses for all his anticonvulsants. He feels that when we get to the point that this does not work that Jacob will go into status again. This is a major concern as there are no new anti-epileptic drugs on the market and all the old ones have been tried on Jacob. We were told that the next 2-3 yrs. will be critical for Jacob as he is going through puberty. He figures that by January or February Jacob will end up back in hospital. We are praying that Jacob proves him wrong

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