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Subject: Re: M.N. Memorial

KG (Silver Badge)
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Date Posted: Tuesday, June 24, 11:56:44pm
In reply to: alf corbyn 's message, "Re: M.N. Memorial" on Saturday, June 21, 01:00:27pm

One survivor apparently stated that they even had to pay for the tiny MN badge that was the only recognition they had that they were part of the serving manpower. Yet another survivor told of how giggling girls would approach them on leave and present them with a white feather. They would be asked if MN stood for Maternity Nurse.

Not much respect there for brave men putting their lives on the line to feed a beleaguered country desperate for food, and a war machine hungry for supplies.

In 1999, for the first time, members of the Merchant Navy were 'allowed' to take part in the national Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph. They were not officially invited previously because they had not been, what is termed as, 'under command'. However, in that very significant year members of the MNA marched at the event and were proudly led by the MNA's National Chairman at that time. Perhaps it should be noted that had the armed services waited, as long for the Merchant Navy has done, for a signal to join them in their military gatherings in the North Atlantic, Western Approaches, Korea and the Falklands, there may very well have been no national service of remembrance to attend. Captain John Sail National Chairman Merchant Navy Association mna.org.uk

The men and young boys of the Merchant Navy wore civilian clothing – they had no uniform like the Army. Navy, and Air Force ------ all brave men and boys – but they were given ? a solid “silver badge” to wear in their lapel – with the letters------MN------ Merchant Navy. So that those ashore, who saw a man and young boy of age to join the three services knew they were in the Merchant Navy.

HM King George VI said: The task of the Merchant Navy is no less essential to the people’s existence than that allotted to the Navy, Army and Air Force, and indeed, none of them would be able to operate without these brave men.

When we look at the restless sea--- Remember Them,
For they are not restless anymore--- They are at last
At peace in the never ending restless sea.
They gave so much.

To those who served - our thanks
By Dave Molyneux.
Secretary of the The Blue Funnel Association

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Re: M.N. MemorialKG (Remember)Wednesday, July 02, 07:16:39pm

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