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Subject: Re: M.N. Memorial

KG (Remember)
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Date Posted: Wednesday, July 02, 07:16:39pm
In reply to: KG 's message, "Re: M.N. Memorial" on Tuesday, June 24, 11:56:44pm

Sailors' Society

News Headlines

Together We will Remember Them! 'Sea of Remembrance' 2008

Last year the Sailors’ Society planted 800 Red Ensign Flags for the Merchant Navy Day Service at Trinity Gardens. Each flag bore its own heart-warming message. Some remembered their loved ones lost during the war, others wanted to recognise our seafarers of today. The occasion was incredibly moving with cadets and veterans side by side on their knees together planting the flags. It was a truly remarkable sight.

This year we are encouraging more people to become involved by sending their messages on our Red Ensign Flags. We wish to give the Merchant Navy seafarers the recognition they deserve.

We invite you to write a message on our Red Ensign Flag (supplied in the pack you request) in memory of a loved one, friend or colleague, or someone who is presently away at sea.

Today, it is not unusual for seafarers to be separated from loved ones for up to 12 months, with severe restrictions limiting access to phones or internet. The Sailors’ Society provides a life-line for seafarers now, as it did during the War years.

Contact us NOW for your Red Ensign Flag pack.

Within the pack you will find a small card flag on which you can write your message and return it to us. We will then plant the flag on your behalf at Trinity Gardens on 7th September 2008.


If you cannot make Tower Hill on the Merchant Navy Annual Service Day, please pass on a message or remember via the:

Sailors’ Society
350 Shirley Road
SO15 3HY
Telephone: 023 8051 5950
Fax: 023 8051 5951

General Enquries: admin@sailors-society.org
Accounts Department: accounts@sailors-society.org
Chaplains Department: chaplains@sailors-society.org
Fundraising Department: events@sailors-society.org

Registered Charity No: 237778
Limited by Guarantee, Registered in England No: 86942,Patron Her Majesty the Queen.

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