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Date Posted: 19:08:26 11/04/03 Tue
Author: Angelina Uris
Subject: *Death By An Angel Kiss*
In reply to: Terry Steel and Sam Beck 's message, "::lovely:: & ~dumb blonde?~" on 18:12:19 11/04/03 Tue

*She frowned softly as she heard Terry's words. Looking at the file of what little info they had she thought* "Yeah...I think I remember Laurie mentioning something about a model down near the pier of Cascade. Guess this is her." *Says this softly as she set up the medication needles* "Okay...Lets clean up this wound." *Quickly she set to work, ordering for certian untensils at times. About 45 minutes to nearly an hour later the gushing wound was fixed. The ugly stitches were not pretty, but with some care Angelina was able to make them presentable and able to be coverd by a swab if the girl so wished. Wipping her brow of a light sweat she looked to Terry* "The x-ray for sure showed a shatterd knee and major brusing of the chest. I can't do anything for the bruises but the bone...I can try to knit back together, though she'll have to go to physical therepy no matter what I do." *Looks to the pale faced blonde on the operating table* "Poor doll..."

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