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Date Posted: 15:59:11 09/23/03 Tue
Author: Briallan
Subject: +[ Headstrong ]+
In reply to: Angelina Uris 's message, "*Stubourn*" on 07:59:06 09/23/03 Tue

*shoulders lifting slightly, it felt as if something outside beckoned her from the sterile smell of the hospital and the machines she had spent so much time hooked up to. With a stubborn streak a mile wide, Briallan found new strength, continuing toward the door. Though Angelina's words registered, they went in one ear and out the other. Just as an addict goes to great lengths to obtain a new high, the dark haired witch knew without knowing that she just had to flee. Flee from all these people who were trying to help and somehow knew her. Perhaps it was the lone wolf in her or the same instinct that a wounded animal has when it leaves the herd or pack to lick its wounds. Whatever the reason, chances were, she would fight as a cornered animal would if someone tried to stop her* I'll figure it out.

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