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Date Posted: 03:37:21 12/05/99 Sun
Author: Bruce Beveridge
Subject: Re: Mystery Olympic Objects
In reply to: Stuart Kelly 's message, "Mystery Olympic Objects" on 16:50:28 12/04/99 Sat


I have many photos of the Olympic's state rooms and public rooms. I even have some very oscure photographs that are not seen in any of the recent books. Some of these photos are of different angles of the same rooms and so fourth. I also have copies of advertisments out of old Shipbuilder magazines. I checked these fittings against all of these sources, as well as the many THS Commutators I have.

Anyways, on with what I found on your objects:

> http://users.classicfm.net/rmsolympic/bathlight.html

This light should be from a 1st class stateroom. Probably one of the cheaper ones as I can not find any 1st class stateroom picture with this type of light visible. I do have a picture of the same light fixture on the auction table when the fittings were being sold off, so it is from the Olympic. I can not see it in any of the public rooms. It has to be a stateroom light, but I don't know what style or deck.

> http://users.classicfm.net/rmsolympic/chair.html

Is this from the Olympic? It doesn't even fit with the style of furniture for any of the rooms that I have pictures of. It is close to the 2nd class smoke room but only in that they both have green leather and that is IT! It doesn't match any furniture of other liners that I have pictures from either. Not that it isn't from an ocean liner, or the Olympic per se. If it is the Olympic's, it must have been in an obscure location like the officers smoke room. This style of furniture just doesn't fit any of the decor of the Olympic, at least in the earlier photos I have. It may have been an add on later in her career. This chair looks like it came out of diner or fancy restaraunt. I will keep my eyes open for this chair. I have many other books of liners so I will advise.

> http://users.classicfm.net/rmsolympic/mysterywindow.htm
> l

The sailboat in the center matches the sailboats in the stained glass that was in the smoking room, however, the rectangular panes of glass do not match the round panes of glass in the smoke room seen in the stained glass. There is one room that was part of the smoke room that is never seen, the bar. This was the room at the very aft of the smoke room and behind the wall. In any case, this two part window does not match the outward windows of the smoke room bar. I doubt this is from the Olympic. It is probably from another White Star ship or another liner. It is not visible in any pictures.

> http://users.classicfm.net/rmsolympic/lights.html

This sconce was made by Perry and Co. in London. I have an advertisement showing some of the fixtures they claim to have been fitted on the "Olympic and Titanic" and this fixture IS shown in the add! This company made a lot of the light fixtures for the Olympics as well as other ships. If this place who owns this light has a multitude of Olympic fittings and no fittings from other ships, then I would say it is from the Olympic for sure and would have been in a 1st class state room. I bet it is


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