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Subject: Re: I suck....metaphorically speaking....

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Date Posted: 23/06/06 4:06pm
In reply to: WuckFit 's message, "Re: I suck....metaphorically speaking...." on 22/06/06 11:40am

Good girl. I see the rest of the recalcitrants need their butts kicked...*g*

I had a mint plant once - I called him Herb, but he died. I'm not good at growing stuff. *g*

I've removed the jinx on working - just don't overdo it, k? No stress in the Wuckyworld is permitted.

Er....well, if I get the job, I'll be overseas. My parents are still moving though, so I'll be over there when I come back on holiday. IF I get it. *g*

We had a couple come look at the house last night. We might offload it without even advertising - we've done nothing, and the real estate agent has about four lots of people lined up to come look at it. Told ya the stables would sell it. *g*

I've finally almost got my voice back (yay!) so I'll sound like a normal person for monday. Otherwise, nothing exciting happening here...

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Subject Author Date
Re: I suck....metaphorically speaking....Wuckfit23/06/06 5:52pm
Excuse me, what?Strega29/06/06 5:51am

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