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Subject: Re: I suck....metaphorically speaking....

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Date Posted: 22/06/06 11:40am
In reply to: Rogue 's message, "I suck....metaphorically speaking...." on 21/06/06 3:20pm

*salutes* Yes Ma'am ... essay following:

We did quite a bit of work in the garden last weekend e.g. planted a nectarine tree, some flower-type-things that are evergreen and have lovely red/yellow smallish flowers on them (can you tell I'm so NOT a gardener person) and also planted some calla lilly bulbs - purple, yellow, yellow with big black centres and some mixed ones (hopefully I popped them in the right way). This weekend we are picking up a weeping mulberry that we have had on order for a few months and waiting for the right time.

Does this job interview mean that you might be staying there longer than anticipated? I am just about to apply for a couple of Event Manager positions - no more jinxing please ... I am going a bit stir crazy not working (can you tell with my ramblings?).

Monday my sister had an RDO (rostered day off), so we spent the day together which was really lovely. We don't get to do it very often, so we did a spot of shopping and had lunch and just basically sat and talked - all in all an excellent day.

Tuesday I had a meeting with the Salvo's ... not sure if I mentioned that I am doing a bit of pro-bono work for them. It was supposed to be for an hour, but ended up being 3.5 hours - all good but they are not very corporate minded, which is why they would like me to work there *shrugs* who knows.

Yesterday I did work here from the meeting, made a pot of spicy lentil and sweet potato soup and that's about it.

Today I am typing this to you ... end of thesis.

*wipes brow* enough?

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Re: I suck....metaphorically speaking....Rogue23/06/06 4:06pm

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