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Subject: Re: JC was not the messiah!

Lil Marty
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Date Posted: 07:01:19 07/04/01 Wed
In reply to: Eliyahu Silver 's message, "JC was not the messiah!" on 11:54:17 03/17/01 Sat

I read you article - it made interesting reading. I thought I should point out a couple of things, though.

1. Not all Christians believe the Trinity. This has no basis either in the Talmud, the Hebrew Scriptures or the Christian Greek Scriptures. This was concocted by the Catholic Church in the 4th Century to make Chrisitanity more palatable to the Romans who had made it the state religion (also Christmas which is the Roman festival of Saturnalia, Easter etc etc). True Christians accept the whole Bible, and while we believe Jesus is the son of God, we do not put him equal to God, nor do we say he is God. There is only one God - his name is written in the scriptures as YHWH, but this was removed by the churches, which is the biggest insult possible to God.

2. The 1st Century Jews by and large rejected Jesus because he didn't fulfill their expectations of the Messiah. They wanted someone who would throw out the Romans - a great warrior. Jesus was not this. But couldn't it be that their expectations were incorrect? Think about it logically - what was his foretold role? To rid the (at that time nonexistent) nation of Israel of foreign domination? Israel had fought off foreign domination for centuries before that successfully with the power of God. This only stopped when their constant idolatry and disobedience lead God to deliver them into the hands of the Babylonians. The Messiah had a far greater purpose than throwing the Romans out of Judea. The Messiah was foretold in the first prophecy of the Bible, as the one who would bruise the serpent in the head. When did this happen? After Adam and Eve disobeyed God and were thrown out of paradise. The Messiah's role was to regain what Adam lost for mankind - perfection. As God is a God of justice, this demanded a ransom equivalent to what was lost. So a perfect life had to be given. Therefore the Messiah was always meant to give his life, and so Jesus fulfilled this requirement. The purpose of the Messiah was far loftier than merely to sort out the domestic situation of the nation of Israel at that time, but rather had implications for all mankind. If not, why didn't he come when Israel REALLY needed him - for example when the Greeks desecrated the temple in the time of Joseph Maccabeus?

Putting all the fors and againsts aside, what is the alternative? Daniel's prophecy gave a very specific time period when the Messiah would arrive - 29CE. Everyone was expecting him at that time. If Jesus wasn't the Messiah, then who was? We can't really be expecting him to come still, 2000 years after he was due to arrive!!

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Re: JC was not the messiah!S. H. Herman16:20:20 04/21/03 Mon

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