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Subject: Re: Kumdo and Kendo | |
Author: Robert Smith |
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Date Posted: 12:50:12 10/04/04 Mon In reply to: 360 ^^ 's message, "Kumdo and Kendo" on 20:44:15 06/23/03 Mon Wow! I was really amazed by your pseudo historical analysis. I was wondering if you got it out of a comic book, because to be honest, this is probably the most ridiculous explanation i have ever heard. Historically speaking, korea had a sword but is not what you call kumdo even worse hai dong gumdo. Unfortunately it dissappear because it was not popular. There are true historical works by serious researchers of history using the most delicate form of analysis with proven methodology, and to be honest those studies only prove that most of the modern martial arts from korea such as tae kwon do, hapkido, kumdo and haidong gumdo have their origins in Japan. Give some real proven historical works before you venture to spread revised history. It does not matter how long it takes and you may succeed in spreading these lies, but at the end it will backfire on you. Korean culture is basically a japanese culture that has been koreanised ddue to the brutal occupation, and your efforts to spread it as an authentic korean culture only proves that koreans feel inferior compared to japanese people, because of its technology,rich culture something that most of koreans desire for themselves. All you have to do is llok at the japanese restaurants, all of them are run by koreans. Go to a japanese student association club, and most of them are korean. Samsung, Hyundai are nothing more than reverse technology. Go to osaka and 700,000 koreans live there while claiming to be proud koreans and despising Japan and its people while trying to live a comfortable life nad get a superior eduction that can not be found in korea. My advise to you is get serious and give some proven historical work not nonsense. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
Subject | Author | Date |
Re: Kumdo and Kendo | Type Zero | 20:41:08 11/06/04 Sat |