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Subject: The Move as the Sun Sets

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Date Posted: 19:39:07 08/03/03 Sun

*Flare watches the sun set, and as the sun disappears behind the distant mountains of which Jet owns, a cold feeling chills down his spine as the cold breeze whacks onto his flank. He shivers, but a feeling of relief covers him when he see's the hyena's retreat. He flexes his muscles in attempt to warm himself up, then neighs out to the herd*
"Okay it is evening. We must start to move now. We should head west, where the sun sets, so we can get closer to it by morning. it is going to be a long haul, but we need to get away from the hyena's"
*After his speech, he urges the herd forward slightly then skips to the front with Shadow, trying to grabs a morsel of any desertous plant along the way*

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Re: The Move as the Sun SetsWhirlwind22:19:42 08/03/03 Sun

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