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Date Posted: 20:34:26 03/25/02 Mon
Author: Cally
Subject: Update: Mostly happy news!

Well, I saw the neurologist today. He says that I seem to have come through with flying colors. My speech was concise, my thoughts were focused, and my coordination was normal. I'm still having headaches and my ear still hurts. Doc says that if the pains grow worse in my ear I have to see an ENT doc. I have to keep an eye on that, since many meningitis patients lose their hearing. I guess the headaches can last up to 6 months. I've already started weaning myself from pain killers. I'm now up to 36 hours between doses.. not bad considering a week ago I was whining for demoral every 4 hours!

The doc said it was remarkable that I realized so early that something was wrong and sought medical attention. That seems to be the key with how well you recover from this disease. I can understand that. I felt kind of stupid going to the hospital for what seemed like just a headache. Thank God I did! I found out that meningitis can cause severe brain damage within 24 hours and can kill within 2 days! Yikes!

So, word of warning.. don't try to play super hero and ignore those ear infections! Get to the doc's right away! I wouldn't wish what I went through on my worst enemy!

Thanks for all your prayers. I'm sure they played a part in my recovery. Funny story.. my mom actually started going into other hospital rooms and asking the other patients to pray with her for me.. lucky she didn't get thrown out! LOL!

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