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Date Posted: 09:53:53 09/27/03 Sat
Author: Anonymous
Subject: To the original poster, how can you say that what she does in her personal life doesn't matter to you? Are you crazy?? Kids look up to their coaches, love them, think of them as friends and role models. If you care about your child at all, then her personal life had better be your business.
In reply to: 's message, "dawn" on 14:31:16 09/23/03 Tue

>i have used dawn lester for some time and feel very
>lucky to have her/ what she does in her private life
>separate from coaching is not my business. my littl
>one cont to grow and do well with dawns training. she
>has always kept her prices reasonable and has given
>discounts especially when times where rough for me. a
>shining example of her work is lyndsey walters who has
>supremed out for three time in a row. also kiley
>gibson who took pro-am at miss southern USA thanx to
>dawn lester. so we can bash all we want but let us
>look at the results.

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  • My problem with this whole matter is. There is people like Shane who was a great coach but no one agreed with his lifestyle .But yet they went. In the pageant world there is plenty of lifestyles we dont agree on. But its the people that just has to keep referring Dawn and Donna together that likes to stir up crap . Let it be. Go to who you want to and stop making idiots of yourself by popping Donnas name in everytime Dawns if brought up. -- Anonymous, 12:45:38 10/04/03 Sat

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