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Date Posted: 11:58:44 01/05/04 Mon
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Please be aware of seamstress Lisa Shelton of Alabama

Please be aware of Lisa Shelton the seamstress from Alabama -- No name, 05:26:06 01/05/04 Mon (cache-dh01.proxy.aol.com/
Please be aware!!!!!
Do not order anything from Lisa shelton. She is a crook. You may get your outfit but it may be up to 7 months later after she claims it was mailed. She hardly ever answers her phone or e-mails unless she has not received your money yet. After she gets your money she can care less about you. After you pay her up front in cash to get her discounts, you have to threaten her with courts etc just to get what you ordered. Several moms like myself out of state have finally received what we ordered and she will not fix any mistakes she makes on the fits. Plan on carrying the dress to another seamstress to fix before you can wear. Her fits are such a mess and if she promises you a $1300 dress and you get the 20% discount for paying cash up front...expect a $700-800 dress. You will need to order LOTS more stones and decorations. Its not only her out of state clients she is ripping off on producing bad outfits but her Alabama clients as well. Why Shelton fitted this one Alabama mom's child and had made the dress 3 inches too short.After threats made to Shelton she finally remade the skirt but after she tried making her re-pay for the materials. I even heard she dropped making her pay for the skirt only after she reminded her that her daugnter wins alot in Alabama and everyone would know exactly the HELL she went through getting her dress fixed just to wear!
It's a shame a person has to go through so much stress with Shelton to get what they ordered.
Its too bad too cause Lisa could produce great dresses if she wouldn't skimp on the stones and would learn to make her fits better and would have better communication with her clients after she receives their money.
I have came across several moms who she messed up the fittings and they would maybe get 2-6 months wear out of their dress before having to sale cause the skirt length was made too short from the beginning. This is even with the Alabama mom's that go to Shelton to be fitted and measured by her.
If you have the time and money then go ahead and order and make excuses for her.....you will learn the hard way like we all did in 2003. Too many good seamstresses out there to deal with this looney that turns all her blame around on the moms. The mom's must be the worst pageant moms and hard to please etc...this is the story you will hear from her.
Her Paypal has several complaints against her for ripping people off including stone vendors she wrote bad checks to and still owes for.
People need to know up front what they will be dealing with...Happy pageantry

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