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Date Posted: 07:55:21 06/23/08 Mon
Author: Clyde (expecting)
Subject: Re: Waiting for a male
In reply to: Belle 's message, "Re: Waiting for a male" on 21:06:21 06/22/08 Sun

>Belle smiled at Night then looked at the new mare
>she thought to her self
>the mare was frisky && semmed foolish but Belle wasnt
>about to judge the mare so she quickly turned her
>attention to Night
>as he trotted up to her
>she nipped him then ran circles around him

Clyde rode his horse onto the feilds of horses he had heard of such a place he had heard champions , arabian, any horse you want you would find it there so he rode on to a hill to see herds,and herds of horses , but he was looking for a particular herd , arabians.He went on an to find on the other side of the forest two mares and a stallion
he could clearly see the white mare was a full blooded arabian mare , then he looked over the stallion frokm a distance , he too was full blooded , he knew if he caught the mare that the stallon would come to get her so he watched till it turned night time he tied Seeker up to a tree because Seeker would blow the hole thing off and he would have to flee the scene with out he gorgeous mare
he made a whistle noise to get her attention
as she came wondering up he qiuckly roped her , and mounted his horse and took off

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