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Date Posted: 20:29:19 07/26/08 Sat
Author: Goldie
Subject: Searching for a lone stallion

(ooc: I don't care what kind of stallion gets a hold of her. I can go either way.)

Finally, she was free. No more saddles, bridles, bits, halters, being cooped up, harsh training, or bred to stallions who only want that one thing. None of it! She was one hunderd percent free. But for how long?

Goldie runs like the wind as she covers miles of ground in just a few strides. She throws her head, leaping and bucking for joy. Her mane and tail flow in the wind like a flag waving on a windy day. But she wasn't always like this. In fact, just a few minutes ago she was trying to be loaded onto a trailer to go to a show, but she broke her halter and ran free. She knows they will come after her as she is one of their best horses, but for now she will enjoy every minute of being a 'wild horse'. Once Goldie spots other horses, she slows to a walk and whinnies to them, hoping a few are stallions. She wants to have the experience to be with a stallion who will love her for her and not just want to breed with her. However, she is in heat. She hualts and stands on a hill looking over the herds of horses letting out one more whinny.

name: Sunset's Golden Thunder
age: 6
breed: Paint
gender: mare
color: dapple palomino pinto with bald face, blue eyes, 4 white stockings, and a brand on her left shoulder(HG inside a circle)

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