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RBL Romantica!! Sleepover Board
"ReBeL Delve For Fun in 12"
RBL Romantica's
Thirteenth Annual Sleepover!
Las Vegas
April 24th thru April 30th
What IS the RBL Sleepover?
A ReBeL Girl Sums It Up

When I get to Vegas and the RBL Sleepover, I can let my hair down, party till I drop, drink to excess, swear like a trooper, stay out late or not come home till dawn or at all, answer to no one, flirt with men half my age and ogle their asses, dance with my girlfriends, eat fattening food, wear sparkly clothes, savor my time away from home, and not worry that my fellow RBLs will think less of me or tell others how much fun I really had because they're doing the very same thing!

Welcome to the "2010:" Discussion and Planning Board! This is where we plan our DEbauchery & share our excitement so jump on in and let's get this show on the road.

Palace Station is the HOME of the RBL Sleepover!!!

Sleepover FAQ's

Click for Las Vegas, Nevada Forecast

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