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Date Posted: 18:02:29 07/20/03 Sun
Author: Hierophant
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Subject: If you only KNEW how many of us AREN'T drunk all the time there were, you'd think so much differently...
In reply to: Jessa 's message, "Hmm, it seems that you're mixed up...." on 00:00:26 07/20/03 Sun

Yeah, I drink....about once every two weeks. ALL my friends are like that. Normally we're at the shop working on cars and telling jokes. If you were ever to go to a party, I'd bet you'd be quite surprised. NO ONE leaves driving drunk from ANY i've ever been to. Anytime someone leaves they get about 20 people "are you ok to drive? let me check, how many have you had?, where you going?" etc. You have a bad stereotype based upon stories you hear, which are FAR over-exgagerated (spl? lol) to begin with. When a 17 yr old says "Man I drove home so drunk last night" they really mean "I drove home after drinking half a beer" No one i know would ever admit they drove really drunk, cause they'd get thier ass kicked by everyone...

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