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Date Posted: 18:50:51 07/23/03 Wed
Author: Hero of Time
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Subject: Allow me to bring the old political debate back to life just a moment...

"Date Posted: 08:44:23 07/23/03 Wed
Author: Joe Taylor
Subject: One reason why I hate the USA

Look here for a moment:


So, this is the Democratic Underground for you. A bunch of America-first idiots who can't explain to me why it's okay to demand corporations to hire only Americans (who cares if those browns and yellos have jobs?) but it's not okay to demand them to hire only white males. So, I have news for you guys. You shouldn't be getting any jobs, because it's more important for the United States to be even bigger. Don't eat; you steal food from an honest, hard-working American, so just send that food on a ship or jeep or whatever to the Land of the Creeps, the Home of the Slaves. After all, this is the land of opportunity (as long as you comply with visa regulations and put your head deeply enough in the sand).

You know, I think that I'd get a better treatment if I colored myself black, went to Alabama, and started raping white women than in that goddamn forum. And those guys say they are liberal and compassionate... yeah, like the Nazis were compassioante to the hardworking Germans whose jobs the Kykes stold in their desire for more and more money.

If you read the Liberal Manifesto or The Empire of Terra closely enough, you may well find more places where I diss those goddamn Nazis who call themselves liberals than places where I diss Bush."

I'd like for you, or anyone you know, to provide for me the list of countries in history that have EVER survived by putting someone other than themselves first.

American corporations can hire Americans. Sounds fair to me. Those browns and yellows aren't hired because they don't have a social security number.

I'd love to see the US grow larger. Since it's my home, yes, as a matter of fact, I wish it the best of luck.

"Land of the Creeps" : Ladies and gentlemen, exhibit A.

"Home of the Slaves" ....Africa? Rome? Britain? Slavery didn't start in America. It ended here. If you're talking "home" as in, a place where slaves were emancipated and could have rights for the first time, then this claim is legitimate.

"this is the land of opportunity (as long as you comply with visa regulations and put your head deeply enough in the sand)" The same as any other nation.

Liberalism is inequal to sane.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again : Anyone who uses the term "Nazi" when not referring to the German government in the 1900's is a jackass. That's a derrogatory name that doesn't match the description of anyone apart from Saddam and his gay lover, Satan. Nazis committed a literal genocide that cost lives. This bullshit comparison between people who make money and the Nazi government, or people with certain political views and Hitler, is the product of the very brainwashing that occurs in liberal education today. Nobody deserves to be called a Nazi. That is an insult, and it is not appropriate because it's not true for anyone anymore.

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