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Date Posted: 16:23:30 07/25/03 Fri
Author: Hero of Time
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Subject: Rant : Goddamn Germans are still jealous cuz we kicked their asses...

"BTW now the US without any need (the proclaimed main war reason WMD still is missing) have stirred up the wasps nest it's of course necessary to aid them since they alone are unable to control the situation, obviously. And as soon as they'll make Iraq an UN matter, they'll get more aid."

Believe me when I say that the US isn't even trying. I've grown up in the Air Force, as my biological father, the dad I've got now, and mother were ALL involved in it. I've lived on 4 Air Force Bases in my lifetime, and have seen more aircraft and military capability than most human beings should be allowed to see. I've seen a B-2 single-handedly decimate an entire archipelago island, and leave one tiny building intact (purposefully). B-2's alone can destroy and entire city block surgically. I saw one where it destroyed a house completely, but left the two that were connected to it undamaged. There's some incredibly cool shit the US has, but the problem is that we DON'T use it. We CAN'T in most cases. It would be just TOO Hoooooooooorrible for us to do so. We send one B-2 to Iraq, guess what? The entire country is fucked. We have something like 17 of the Goddamn things just at Whiteman Air Force Base alone. I was out at a farm yesterday helping to set up an electric fence, and 2 B-2s flew overhead. I didn't even hear them until they were above me. For anti-aircraft weapons, that's too late; by the time you see a B-2 when its flying at maximum altitude at night (this one was in broad daylight and flying VERY low, I still almost missed it), the thing has already shredded you and is now moving on home. And we still have ICBM silos all over the friggin place. The Minuteman 2 series alone, that covers Missouri and Kansas and God knows where else, had like 200 silos. A Russian treaty made us fill and disable those, but GOD we have so many more. Lord help anyone who threatens us with Nuclear war.

The reason we're taking so long just to beat Iraq (though it wasn't even a long time) is because of the resistance from within...everyone screaming bloody murder about sending troops over. Well, we could NUKE the motherfuckers, but what about the civilians? Jesus, is the HORRIBLE Warmonger United States actually watching out for the best interests of Iraqi cilivians? Why yes.

No, the US doesn't need help. It shuts fuckers like Joe up when those PERFECT nations help.

And no, we don't need the UN. They'll just sit there and talk about reparations for black people and human sexual orientations rather than stop a threat that is taking lives every day.

BTW, don't watch CNN. I was filling out paperwork at Burger King, and it was on the TV. Jesus, if I had a nickel for every time there was an anti-Bush or "America Sucks" based remark, I'd fucking BUY America. Watch Fox News...it's at least fair and balanced.

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