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Date Posted: 22:19:34 07/31/03 Thu
Author: Heroic Pedophilia
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Subject: Rant : More on Joe (say it fast....."Moron Joe" *LOL*) the Pedophile, now.

"Date Posted: 10:59:59 07/31/03 Thu
Author: Joe Taylor
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Something about sex...

I turned 18 yesterday. My girlfriend already had early in 2003, so whenever we'd had sex for the last few months she'd been committing a crime.

Why? Because of sex laws. For some reason, conservative lawmakers think that 17-year-olds aren't able to reach informed decisions, and that a 17-and-364-days-old can have sex with a 17-and-360-days-old but an 18-year-old can't. I don't know whether this puritan idiocy exists in Canada and Germany, but I know it does in the Land of the Unfree, the Home of the Slaves. Once, people experimented with sex after they married; then, they started at college; now, they do at high school (an American woman loses her virginity at the average age of 16). WTF is wrong with the idea that 17-, a 16-, even 15- and 14-year-olds know what's good for them and sleeping with them doesn't constitute statutory rape? Are parents afraid that they can't control their children's lives completely? Are they afraid that they can't brush teenage sex off and act as if it doesn't exist? Do they really think that 14-year-olds can't reach informed decisions?

Okay, rant mode=OFF. There's absolutely no point to having the age of consent at 18. In this day and age, it can safely be lowered to 14-16 (in other words, statutory rape requires one partner to be 16 or more and another to be less than 14). Who knows, maybe the 18 years of slavery that are commonly called childhood can become better if people who are unfortunate enough not to have been freed yet are treated as free men toward the end of their indenture rather than as babies."

"...but while we're at it, I don't see what reason people have to think gay sex is bad other than crass conservatism.

Also, it doesn't matter wheter they enforce the laws or not, what matters is that the laws are there. Take traffic laws for example; in Europe there are some but nobody enforces them, which means that the government thinks people shouldn't be driving more than 130 km/h but doesn't consider it important enough to worry about. Similarly, sex laws mean that the government thinks that people can't decide for themselves when to consent and when not to, even if the government has more important things to do with its money (such as destroy the lives of marijuana smokers)."

I just can't get away from this guy. Just when I think he's struck the bottom of the Pit of Dumbassity, he ends up having claws capable of burrowing to even more subterranean levels. So...sex laws mean people can't decide what to consent and what not to. Ok, let's talk about this a moment.

Suppose there's no "legal age of consent" at 18. The liberals end up totally taking over. You can have sex with anyone you want to now. So, your girlfriend, like Joe's (if she does indeed exist, which isn't likely), is a minor. NO PROBLEM. Fuck her brains out.

So what happens when he settles down, has kids (God perish the thought), and a pedophile comes along and bangs his ten year old daughter? And based on his "Gay sex is ok. It's cool, I'm gay too." remark, his ELEVEN YEAR OLD SON as well. The pedo can say it was consentual, not rape. The kids can't really deny it. Pit the word of a 10 year old against a 34 year old and see who is taken seriously.

These laws are not because people can't think for themselves. It's because some people can't think at all. Laws are what keep our instincts from driving our lives. And honestly, the laws on sexual conduct are there primarily for women and children. Face it, males are aggressive in their pursuit of sex. It's just part of the design. The consent law protects children. They can't stand up for themselves. My example above should illustrate this nicely.

18 is the voting age...the age at which the citizen is decreed to have logic enough to make sound choices. It only makes sense that this is the age of consent as well.

I have a co-worker who is SLUTTY as hell. I mean, she's the NICEST girl I can imagine, though she cusses a lot, and she's SO funny, and she's pretty cute too. She lost her virginity at 13. She has a two year old son now too. I think it's a proven fact that once you have sex, it makes it easier to do it again. Makes sense to me...how many people who lose their virginity are still shy? None. Nothing to worry about now, they've revealed all already. The consent laws try to prevent teen pregnancy and a future of promisciuity. So we don't have a society like Africa's, where everyone has AIDs.

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