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Date Posted: 19:29:27 07/31/03 Thu
Author: Hierophant
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Subject: While i'm waiting for the most AWESOME quake model to download (60mb) i'm gonna make up another poem

Smoking this cigarette seems so odd
Will I ever grow up?
Will I name my boy Todd?
Or will I really have a pup?

Waiting for model to download
picking my congested nose
can't remember the last time i was so bored
Hell , I have head to the garden hose.

Listening to ozzy osbourne
ears are tingling with joy
though i have no one to share it with
I love it when asian people say hi: "hoy!"

I need to get out of the house
I almost have to take a shit
I don't really feel like getting up
but i don't think my bowels will quit

damn man, the fart reeked
I can beraly stand the smell
God I can't wait to see this model
someone just rang my doorbell!

I opened the door, and to my demise
I saw a young girl, with such pretty eyes...

I asked her name, but got no response
Instead I got good sex, my mind it still haunts

Why does it still haunt? That was the best it could've been
Her dad showed up and knocked my ass out, I guess she was only 10.

What the fuck is wrong with me?
I must not really have a life
I always think of wierd shit
I'm working on jacking off with a knife

And so I end another great poem
One that was pretty shitty,
If you want an opinion from me..
If I was girl right now,
I'd be playin with my titty.

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