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Date Posted: 22:36:58 07/31/03 Thu
Author: Heroic Cheech
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Subject: Discussion Topic : Marijuana.

Aj posted this on RCC, and I thought I'd open the floor here as well:

"I have internal conflicts with it. On one hand, alcohol kills more people a year then marijuana does, almost 99% of that coming from DUI's. Marijuana mellows most people out, whereas alcohol tends to flare tempers, rowdy behavior, etc. So why not legalize marijuana? I really don't see anything horribly wrong with it, but it'd be like adding fuel to a fire, in a sense. I personally know A LOT of people who don't smoke it simply cause its illegal. Imagine what would happen if it was? EVERYONE would do it. Granted, a driver who is high is much safer behind the wheel then a drunk , but they're still impared. They would probably make it like alcohol if they did legalize it. You can smoke it all you want, but once you drive you can get busted, but why make it ok for them to smoke it in the first place? Which also brings up my enternal conflict of: Why is alcohol ok? Hell, I drink...but don't smoke weed. at all. It kind of makes me feel like a hypocrite when I sit here and say "Weed should be illegal" yet go to a party and drink, when in reality is more harmful then weed.

Its a wierd issue to address. There really is no good way to go about it. I don't even know how to argue my points, i'm at like this....mental lock, per se, about the issue.

Wether or not its legal, i will never smoke weed, nor do any other drug.

What are your opinions?"
My opinion is thus.

I noticed in Bad Boys, the movie with Will Smith and Martin Lawrence (great movie BTW), their main goal was to stop a drug transaction. People died, things were blown up, lots of shit happened...over some powdery shit.

It made me wonder just why it IS illegal.

Cigarretes are bad for you, and I don't know what makes them appealing, but people seem to like them. But not EVERYONE smokes, even though it's legal. Alcohol is reGoddamndiculous, and people think it's God's piss or something. But not everyone drinks...just the school-age people...even though it's legal. In THEORY, things like Marijuana would be the same legalized.

Personally, I could give a fuck. I don't use it, don't think drugs or bongs or getting stoned is funny in the least, and don't care for people who use them. But do you realize how much the coast guard, and the FBI, and even local police forces go through to try and stop drug transfers and uses? We have drug lords making millions and buying fucking weapons to defend their shipments. People get killed over this shit. What if it was legal? No drug lords...no armed escorts...law enforcement can concentrate on something real, like terrorism or domestic violence...

Aj has a great point in that there'd be a LOT of usage. But I know plenty of people who wouldn't use it. He's a prime example. It really reminds me of the prohibition amendment of the constitution...the only one that's been repealed. Alcohol was illegal. I can't even deal with that...I enjoy seeing people have a nice time with a drink. I have a sincere problem with underage drinking, and no tolerance for DUI, but I mean, you couldn't even have wine with dinner for Christ's sake. I'm not suggesting we burn marijuana incense at weddings, but if alcohol was made legal, I don't see why marijuana shouldn't be.

And how do you stop it? Law enforcement is losing this "drug war". They can't win. They do a great job, and I think their dedication is admirable. But marijana is a renewable resource. You might hear in the news that police seized 365936458973 pounds of marijuana in a drug bust...so what? It grows out of the FUCKING GROUND. They'll grow more in Colombia or some shit, and just try again. Concentrate on weapons of mass destruction...not everyone can make those. Keep an eye on shit going out of the US and Russia to Shitholeistan. Don't worry about a plant growth that is used on the individual level that even primitive cultures can grow.

I say, keep LSD and PCP and shit out of the picture, but something as weak as marijuana really doesn't seem worth the time, money, and lives we're losing in this "drug war".

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