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Date Posted: 11:01:02 08/02/03 Sat
Author: Heroic Joe
Author Host/IP:
Subject: Joe's Take:
In reply to: Heroic Cheech 's message, "Discussion Topic : Marijuana." on 22:36:58 07/31/03 Thu

"Date Posted: 12:22:59 08/01/03 Fri
Author: Joe Taylor
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: I support complete legalization of marijuana...
In reply to: Hierophant 's message, "You brought up a good issue...marijuana" on 15:08:16 07/31/03 Thu

...mainly for the following reasons:

1. Even if marijuana does not need legalization, it certainly doesn't need the demonization it receives now to the point that people convicted of marijuana abuse are barred from receiving state scholarships but murderers are not, and that murderers are released in 6 or 7 years on parole in order to make room in prisons for drug dealers.

2. Marijuana, unlike alcohol and nicotine, is not addictive. Drug dealers sometimes add addictive substances for reasons of pure greed, but the cannabis you grow in your backyard is not addictive and neither will the cannabis you buy in licensed stores be.

3. People who're high hurt only themselves. If they're driving then the impairment is minimal, unlike with alcohol, so even though you test marijuana-positive for the first 30 days following your last weed smoke, it won't be much of a problem.

4. Part of the problem will go away if weed's legalized. Some teenagers do drugs or have sex or drink only because it's illegal; hence, if the drug's legalized, fewer teenagers will do it.

On another note, look at the bright side of pot: if it's legal, then you'll be able to smoke tobacco in Boston and San Francisco without getting lynched because people will think you're smoking pot..."

I agree with his points. I'm not surprised HE would want to legalize it, and I can't comment on the last paragraph. Personally, I don't see why people need to poison themselves, but that's me. I've explained my points already, so I thought I'd share Joe's as well. :)

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