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Date Posted: 23:19:46 08/09/03 Sat
Author: Hero of Time
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Subject: Hm......nothing better to do than share thoughts on the ole' board. I figure I can post anything, and nobody would ever know.

Turned in Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner today, which makes my heart ache. That's the funnest game I've ever played, I must admit. Definately worth a purchase if I get it used.

Then I picked up Command and Conquer : Generals. My step-brother and I split the $46.24 cost (even WITH my discount!), but the CDs have anti-burning features. So I'm looking for a hack that makes it NOT require the CD. I've plenty of time, as my relic of a video card can't handle the game very well, and so, it runs SLOWLY. And the step-brother can't even install it, as he doesn't have enough RAM. So, we're both screwed for now. Ah well...once we DO get it working, it's gonna be badass!

And on a less delightful note, I got my FIFTH write-up from Hasting's...somehow, my cash register was missing $5.34. I dunno how, besides possibly slipping someone a $5 instead of a $1 or something, because I certainly didn't have any cash on me. Regardless, the managers HAD to do it, policy and all. Which sucks. It's always depressing to get something like that. But the real smack with a rolled up newspaper comes when the tell me they'll have to terminate me upon my SIXTH write-up. They think I'm a good associate, and am great with customers, and I imagine they don't want to lose me (especially since they'd have to train someone new), but policy is still policy. They've told me to simply be careful, but the problem is, I *am* being careful. It's not like I'm just throwing money in the air and hoping it's the right amount here. I dunno...it puts a damper on my immediate future, though I can easily make up the financial loss with Burger King, since they pay more anyhow, but I so enjoy Hasting's. I just love spending hours in there, though I don't buy anything*L*

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