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Date Posted: 22:43:58 08/10/03 Sun
Author: Hierophant
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Subject: Rant: Am I fucking married!?!?!?!

Holy fuck man. Last night my girlfriend wanted me to go to her house and watch movies with her and her family. Well, we had hung out the previous couple nights, plus I didn't feel to well so i declined. Which of course, upsets her to no end. So yeah, thats fucking retarded. O.k. About 9pm rolls around and Josh calls "hey man! lets go to the fair, whats that? Don't want to? Oh well we're outside, get out here"

So I go to the fair, I guess in the meantime I missed one of her phonecalls (didn't know). So anywho, thousands of people at the fair, it was fun, etc. end of story.

Today, she asks what I did last night, obviously if I told her I went to the fair she'd fucking flip out cause i should've gone there. So I say "Not much" and went onto a different subject. I went to see her after work tonight and one of her co-workers informed me she found out I went to the fair last night, i'm like "sooo?"

She comes outside:

Cassie: "WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME!?!?!"

Aj: "I didn't lie...."


Aj: "I didn't tell you I went cause you'd get pissed either way, plus I didn't lie, just didn't tell you I went"

Cassie: "ITS THE SAME THING!!!!"

Aj: "O....k...."

Cassie: "Well I have to go" *proceeds to walk off*

Aj: "Wait, come here"

Cassie: "NO!" *walks to car*

Aj: "Whatever." *leaves*

Yeah, then she called and we basically had the same conversation as the last. WTF!?! I'm 18, shes 17 and she acts like we're fucking married. I shouldn't have to answer to her just cause I went somewhere for 2 fucking hours. Thats what parents are for, not peers. I'm my own person , I can do whatever the fuck I wonna do and she knows I wouldn't do anything stupid. She's freakin out like its a huge deal. Imagine if I had done what some guys would do, go meet up with another girl, I didn't drink, do drugs, ANYTHING. I went to a pidily state fair for 2 hours and about got my head chopped off. Not to mention an ear of crying for 10 minutes.

Fuck that shit. Argh.

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