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Date Posted: 18:48:00 08/11/03 Mon
Author: Hero of Time
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Subject: Mild Rant : I got my American National Government book for college, and thought I'd share a paragraph I read...

" Nationalism, Optimism, and Idealism Americans are highly nationalistic. We are proud of our past and tend to forget our nation's intolerance, the diplomatic and military setbacks, the shame of slavery, and the denail of suffrage to women for more than a century"

I had to stop and think about this. It didn't take long either. I came to the conclusion that we tend to FORGET all that stuff I underlined because, like everything else one forgets, it's entirely IRRELEVANT.

* Let's talk intolerance. Do you know we're the ONLY nation that makes exception-rules for different ethnic groups? In fact, if you're not caucasian, you stand a great chance of getting a job over one who IS a caucasian. Consider the rules that cater to different ehtnic groups...consider a schoolyard fight between a black guy and a white guy. Suppose the black guy wins. No big deal. Suppose the white guy tears the black dude up. Hm.....racism! Hate crime! And the US has put our more foriegn aid than most countries can dream of making. And which country is leading the AIDs research to somehow cure Africa? I'll smack you if you say "Canada".

* Setbacks? Like what? Vietnam? That wasn't a setback. It was more of a "Hey, let's try and...wait, no...screw it." sorta thing. The only diplomatic setbacks I think of come from California and their gay circuit courts.

* Why does every liberal form of media hit on slavery? THAT should be considered racist as well. And why should we be ashamed of it? We FIXED it. We abolished it. Let's be PROUD of that fact. I've mentioned before that slavery is still practiced in Africa and the Middle East, and I also mentioned that it was present in Ancient Rome, Africa, BRITAIN, FRANCE, etc. forr centuries. Oh-so-wonderful Norway's vikings used slaves to row the boats and bury treasures. America has no shame in this catagory.

* Don't give me that sufferage bullshit. Let's look at the facts here : In HOW MANY countries are women totally equal to men in the eyes of government. HOW MANY nations allow women to vote? And of the ones you can think of, HOW MANY started that up after the US example?
Sufferage my ass. Women here have it made! They can do whatever the hell they WANT to. Did you know in all of Africa, female genital mutilation is a common practice that has already affected MILLIONS of women? You know, where they take knives and hooks and shove them up there to cut things up. Supposed to take the pleasure out of sex so they don't cheat on their husbands. We all know how women are beaten in the streets in the Middle East for God knows what reason. Dragon_lance tells me Israel is the exception, which is All the more reason for us to keep up relations with them. This arguement about how women should have more rights is absolutely pointless.

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