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Date Posted: 08:07:58 08/26/03 Tue
Author: Hero of Time Hates Joe
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Subject: Reposting from Joe : "The Blood-Bangle Banner"

"On the banks of the Tigris marches the army of death
Tanks roll on Baghdad's streets and the people are fearing
Dying children are cursing it with their last breath
As Iraqis are herded, they know their end's nearing
The US keeps conquering, putting people down
Iraq is now ruled by the American crown
'Tis the blood-bangle banner, oh long it may wave
O'er the land of the freeps, and the home of the slaves

Now freedom's an empty word, that you must know
If you think for yourself, then you're spawn of the devil,
An evil killer, and low'st of the low
So to win, the US sinks to the terr'rists' level
Its machine tramples the last shreds of hope
The dissenters are soon to be given the rope
And the blood-bangle banner in triumph does wave
O'er the land of the freeps, and the home of the slaves

The country acts out Nineteen-Eighty-Four
Freedom's dead, now there is just desolation
While the sheep scream their baas, just asking for more
We must all slave for the glory of the sad nation
Never forget what the US's about:
Only "Kill 'em all! And let Gawd sort 'em out!"
And the blood-bangle banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the freeps, and the home of the slaves."

Just the title of this rediculous work makes me want to track that little creep down and put the hurt on him. Here's an American citizen, college student at the liberal universities I rue, smashing the country that has made him wealthier and better educated that well over 50% of the entire world.

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