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Date Posted: 08:48:13 08/26/03 Tue
Author: Carbon-dated Hero
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Subject: Something rather amusing, and at the same time disturbing, stemming from a conversation with the females at Burger King the other day...

So, here I am, working and doing stuff, dressed like a mananger even though I'm just a minion. I'm talking to this girl, and my spider sense tells me to go ahead and try to get her number or something. I hold off, wanting to find out if she's single first, thus saving me a slight embarassment. So we're chattering, and she asks what I'm majoring in. I say probably business management. I forget where the conversation went from there, but at some point she asked when I graduated. I told her May 18th. She's all "Nu-uh!", and I reply, "Uh-huh!".

She thought I was 25.

And I'm 18. *LOL*

So I start asking other co-workers how old I look. They gave numbers like 23 or 20. A manager told me I looked like I'm 10, but that doesn't count. *L*

The father unit says it's most likely because of the way I carry myself. I apparently act like I've been around a while, which may or may not be true. At BK, I tend to take control of the problems with customers, as I'm not afraid to speak publicly or interact, so much speech and drama that I've been in. When I do drive-thru, I talk like some kind of radio announcer. I don't hesitate to do dishes or trash or whatever other jobs people wince at. And I'm always dressed like the managers, as I think the polos are pathetic. So I can see why they might think I'm that old.

But at the same time, I can't help but wonder...maybe one SLIGHT reason I have trouble getting a date is because all the girls I'm interested in might think I'm old enough to be their uncle. *LOL*

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