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Date Posted: 21:21:59 08/31/03 Sun
Author: Hierophant
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Subject: A quick half-ass movie review: Final Destination 2

Well, the first one was good. Awesome concept, really made you think....and worry, lol. The quick idea for you is: Before leaving on a class trip overseas, while on a plane a student has a quick daydream of the jet exploding. He freaks out and a teacher and a few of his friends accompany him off the plane. Plane leaves, then explodes. They cheated death, so now death is picking them off one by on in the order they would've/should've died. Only one survives after locking herself in a mental institute.

The second comes with a whole new cast and the reaming survivor from the first, basically a girl sees a huge freeway pile up before it happens and stops a bulk of traffic (that would've died), pileup happens all them live. So now deaths after them in the order they would've died. 2 survive this one after figuring how to completely cheat death.

The plot if the exact same as the first. Really not to exciting. Despite horrible and bloody deaths, it still didn't capture my attention, or draw me into the movie. It was the exact same, almost like an alternate character version.

Comedy - 6 no REAL comedy, but some the deaths were funny

Gore - 1294872727642 very gorry! get to see every death, no censoring of bloodshed in this movie. Not for the faint of heart, really the only thing its got going for it.

Plot - 2 (see above)

Drama - 3

Yeah thats about it, lol. I have to go.

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