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Date Posted: 20:15:22 09/09/03 Tue
Author: Sappy Hero of Time
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Subject: You know, I’m sorta in one of those moods again, where nothing really seems appealing. I don’t feel like playing Age of Empires or Dragonball Z, nor do I feel like doing any school-work, or watching any movies, or any other stuff I generally enjoy doing. This time, however, I believe it’s a good thing.

See, the only thing I can think of doing involves hanging around this girl I’ve met recently. Her name is Tika, and she’s absolutely the coolest bipedal being I’ve ever encountered in my immortality. Everyone thinks the name sounds weird, and proposes that maybe it’s because it sounds like a black name. I veto that, and tell them it’s hard to say because it’s the audible form of joy.

She's absolutely hilarious. I can't stop laughing from some of the things she says or does. It's kinda the same way the other way around. And she's so cute too! A neat little factiod for you: She's so attractive and stuff, but she can eat like I can! We went to King's Chef, the Chinese place here in town, and devoured KILOS of food. I shudder to think she actually out-ate me. She felt SICK after, but still. It's quite a switch from Faye, and now I don't have to hear how we can't go somewhere because she's on a diet.

She's incredibly religious, which causes some slight pressure for me. I gotta make sure I don't blasphemy around her, which would be sure to provoke her clawing my frail body.

We get along so well, it's kinda ridiculous! :-) I'm serious when I say I could just sit and chatter with her ALL day. I dunno if she's just as thrilled, but who knows?

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