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Date Posted: 16:33:41 09/05/03 Fri
Author: Hierophant
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Subject: Something that aggrivates the FUCK out of me......

I'm about to rant about something that pisses me off, but first, Great post below Shuan!

The complete BLINDESS and IGNORANCE of the modern day adolescent is in-fucking-credible. Now, I love my girlfriend to no end, shes a great person. Conservative, respectful, etc. However! Here's a conversation example (shortened for point purposes):

Aj: Hey! How was your day?

Cassie: Good, yours?

Aj: Good. Did you hear about the Disney world accident?

Cassie: No

Aj: Yeah thats crazy. The Presidents suppose to address the nation on Sunday with important information. But I assume you've already heard about it.

Cassie: No....

Aj: Ohhh..Well did you hear they over-turned over 100 death sentences in a new cour order?

Cassie: No.

Aj: Ok....Did you know there is a comet heading for/near/around earth, projected for the year 2014? (Which *is* true , btw)

Cassie: Nope.

Aj: Right. How about the new tax cut plan President Bush is proposing and/or putting into action that will effect the lives of every American, for the better? Wait, don't even answer...you didn't right?

Cassie: No I didn't...

Aj: Well I figured you would seeing as how the address was givin in Kansas City. Which conviently located an hour to your west...

Cassie: Neat....

Aj: Ok....so what *DO* you know?

Cassie: Victoria and I sang music during class! It was fun! (the proceeds to tell me completely useless stories the are completely retarded....but yet, I love her, so if shes happy then so be it)

I mean COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was at her house one evening and her sister and her were off doing something, So obviously I flip to fox news, to see whats up in the world, which was immediatly followed by a barrage of "Why are you watching the news? Its dumb"

Christ people. These events, wether you know it or not, HAVE an effect on your every day life! Granted, the most common are tax cuts and/or raises. Its like everyone lives in a fucking shell. There is an entire PLANET out there, and we *ALL* live on it. A ship wrecks a dock in Japan, An american company is starved of its goods, somewhere. Like Shaun said in the rules: "What hurts the goose, hurts the gaggle" The world if the goose, each country/nation, is the gaggle. Which would actually be, what hurts the gaggle, hurts the goose, but still.

I just wish people would open they're damn eyes. Here's a good example: Where do people wonna go for college? MU? KU? UMKC? CMSU? what about the other 100's of colleges conviently located in Missouri? They only know what they've been taught. Its amazing how little people will explore on thier own. Nobody is willing to look around and see whats really out there. They know what they've been told, not what they've discovered.

I've recently been incaged by this travel fix. I am FUCKING AMAZED by HOW MUCH is within our reach. Shaun, I dunno about you, but on senior trip when we were at dealy plaza in downtown Dallas., I was in awe. Its HUGE filled with thousands of businesses. In turn...thousands of opportunitys.

I just wish people could gain the courage to look for themselves. To gain the ability to learn indepentently and explore. When someone goes to the lake for the weekend its : "Who can I take with me!?!" Why can't it be "I'm going by myself" What? Are you scared of being alone?

I told cassie this last night: "Loneliness brings sense of self"

Why do you want other people distracting your free thoughts? Why have other people feeding and injecting your brain with ideas of little or no importance? Why not take some time by yourself to reflect? Develop new goals and aspirations?

Then again, everyone needs someone to entertain them. Forgot. My bad.

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