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Date Posted: 10:14:56 07/09/04 Fri
Author: J.M.
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Subject: Democrats,brainwashed teens?
In reply to: Joe Sucks Cock 's message, "This is why we can never get anything done. There are two parties - Republican and Conservative. Republicans like the constitution the way it is. However, Democrats, being brainwashed teenagers who cannot think for themselves short of what their tainted college notes say, think they can do a better job.

http://www.voy.com/101333/24.html" on 17:38:42 09/14/03 Sun

I have never heard more brainwashed people in one hour than when I hear Rush Limbaugh butt kissers call in and mindlessly drool over everything he has to say! If I am a brainwashed teenager because I can read and think for myself then I thank God for being a Democrat!! Did`nt you study American government in college? If you had you`d be more knowledgable about how our basically two party system keeps each other on their toes and keeps the American people informed and hopefully politically active. If we wanted no political choices we would never have fought for independence in the 1st place. Friction keeps things alive and fired up in America! It`s what makes me love being an American so very much. Always think of your country first, not your party. Both parties offer good and bad choices for our wonderful country. A well informed populace sifts through partisan rhetoric and takes it all with a grain of salt!

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