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Subject: Just going by a contemporaneous SI article

Go Green
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Date Posted: 12:29:58 12/04/24 Wed
In reply to: An Observer 's message, "Re: That arrangement ended because... Not So Fast, My Friend" on 10:30:31 12/04/24 Wed

Entitled "A Late Season Homecoming" that covered the 1991 Dartmouth-Princeton finale (which was for all the marbles).

They said a "malcontent" (that's a direct quote) complained about Dartmouth's (supposed) advantage of opening at home every year--even though the evidence didn't back that up. (Of course, we were generally lousy in the 1980s whereas Penn and Princeton were strong).

Can't find the article on the internet anymore, but if anyone wants to go hunting for it...

I surmised that it was Princeton because the league stuck us with them as the finale. "You guys don't want Dartmouth to open at home every year? Fine--you guys go to Hanover for the finale every other year."

Again, if anyone else wants to guess who the complainant was, I'm happy to entertain theories!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Just going by a contemporaneous SI article

An Observer
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Date Posted: 17:52:49 12/05/24 Thu


I'll give you two responses:

(1) We live in an era in which public leaders routinely say, "I've heard. . ." or "People say. . ." and then go off in a direction which cannot substantiated in any other way other than that initial "People say" preface.

Don't do that. Every time that you make a supposition you present as reasoned which has no foundation in fact, you diminish the conversation and you diminish yourself. You're better than that.

I've searched for your purported Sports Illustrated article and I can't find it despite having its verbatim title and details of its contents. I'm not saying that it doesn't exist, but your referring to a specific article which can't be found easily on the internet raises the usual questions. Would love a link.

(2) Nobody here really needs to read that SI article to know that, from any incomplete set of facts, your knee jerk reaction is to blame somebody at Princeton.

I personally don't have any problem with that whatsoever. As I said in the thread about Michigan-Ohio State, rivalries are the cherries on top of the sundae of the regular season. We love them. Sometimes we define ourselves by whom we choose to hate.

So all that's cool.

But you, personally, are in a unique position. You have an impressive encyclopedic memories for all things Dartmouth, most things Princeton and many things Ivy League. That gives you a credibility which many of us do not have.

That you marry an unsurpassed knowledge of facts with a knee jerk, fantasy-based, reality-unhinged suspicion of Princeton as some kind of all-knowing, all-powerful behind the scenes manipulator of the Ivy League diminishes your otherwise credible knowledge.

I'll grant you that, collectively, HYP carry much much much more weight than the other five members of our conference. But the fact that the League office issued its infamous press release after the 2021 Harvard-Princeton game suggests that Princeton is not at the top of the power structure. It's probably H-P in that order. I'll give you that.

I actually find your Princeton diatribes very entertaining, but at a time in this country's history when the line between facts and fantasy has become increasingly blurred, those who know facts have an obligation to present them accurately when possible.

Aim higher. You don't owe it to us as much as you owe it to yourself.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: I have an idea!

Go Green
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Date Posted: 18:32:12 12/05/24 Thu

Bear with me--I may have a way to prove the article exists!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Many thanks to BGA!

Go Green
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Date Posted: 10:32:07 12/06/24 Fri

BGA posted the SI article in today's entry.

I kept a scrapbook of my football days. That SI article--and other noteworthy articles of big Dartmouth wins are fading, but still there. I sent a picture of it to BGA.

But the mystery remains as to who the "malcontent" was. I say Princeton and gave my reasons.

Anyone else want to take a stab at it?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: As for Princeton...

Go Green
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Date Posted: 18:41:16 12/05/24 Thu

If you (or anyone) have theories as to who complained about Dartmouth having an unfair advantage of opening up at home every year, I'd love to hear them.

I think we can safely cross off Brown and Columbia from the list. They had better things to worry about in the early 1990s.

Would anyone have cared what Cornell thought? Probably not--even though they were competitive in those days.

That leaves HYPP.

Princeton got stuck with having to go up to Hanover every other year in mid-November. So.... perhaps they were the ones who complained?

If anyone has anything better, I'm listening!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: As for Princeton...

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Date Posted: 19:11:52 12/05/24 Thu

And some people continue to think the moon landing was faked or that weather is controlled by the CIA.

Conspiracists gonna conspire.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Here you go

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Date Posted: 20:22:43 12/05/24 Thu

Although I don't know why we would take an unattributed comment (which I did not see) as fact, if you promise not to spend time looking for a certain annual article:


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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: I assure you the article exists

Go Green
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Date Posted: 21:46:21 12/05/24 Thu

Feel free to ask anyone about Berube's niece's stats from this week's game if you doubt my word.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I assure you the article exists

SpuytenDuyvil76 (verily)
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Date Posted: 06:32:49 12/06/24 Fri

Sumbody touchy 'bout Princeton...whole lotta agida right there

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I assure you the article exists

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Date Posted: 14:57:05 12/06/24 Fri

The "unattributed" comment was regarding how this claim by "some malcontent" was stated in SI back in 1991 without attribution. That could have been anything, including a writer repeating a rumor or campus myth (such as Princeton demanding a switch in season finale opponents from Dartmouth to Penn, hmmm). I would love to see you argue to a judge that such an article statement is even admissible into evidence as to the truth of the assertion, much less credible.

If there was a complanaint as SI reports, it could have been anybody. You are demanding someone disprove your claim. Given your comically unshakable predilections, that would be a fool's errand.

Meanwhile, we can wonder who the "loyal BGA reader" was.

This is my last word on the topic.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Then what do you think happened?

Go Green
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Date Posted: 06:59:15 12/07/24 Sat

If you don’t agree with my reasoning, what’s your theory as to why the schedule got changed in the early 1990s?

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