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Subject: Columbia Men Bsktball Team's Biggest Game

The Mountain Lion
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Date Posted: 19:25:56 02/06/25 Thu

The Columbia Men's Basketball Team which is 0-6 in the Ivy League and 11-8 overall will play a talented Brown team that is 2-4 in the Ivies and 10-9 overall at Columbia's Levien Gymnasium at 2:00 pm. Saturday afternoon. Columbia has lost its last seven games including the last six to each of its Ivy League opponents except Brown. Realistically, therefore, the Brown game at home, should be considered Columbia's best chance of avoiding a winless 0-14 Ivy League season. Coach Jim Engles who has been Columbia Head Coach since March 2015 has posted two 1-13 seasons, but a winless 0-14 season would be a unique achievement. Engles' record at Columbia is 23-81 in the Ivy League and 70-143 overall. Despite Engles somewhat disappointing record, he appears to be a favorite of the Columbia Athletic Director who keeps bringing Engles back year after year for reasons unknown.

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[> Subject: Re: Columbia Men Bsktball Team's Biggest Game

Brian G
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Date Posted: 20:54:57 02/06/25 Thu

You're putting a negative spin on things.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Columbia Men Bsktball Team's Biggest Game

The Mountain Lion
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Date Posted: 22:32:36 02/06/25 Thu

To the contrary, I am probably one of the few Columbia Men's Basketball fans that believes the Lions will defeat Brown this weekend given the Lions' 0-6 record so far in the Ivy League. However, it will be close because Brown has the incentive of needing a win against Columbia in it closely contested race with Penn, Dartmouth and Harvard for the fourth spot in the Ivy League Tournament. As you undoubtedly know, Brown is the home team this year for the Ivy Tournament.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Columbia Men Bsktball Team's Biggest Game

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Date Posted: 21:01:09 02/07/25 Fri

Brown will be a tough game. They need to string some wins together.

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[> Subject: Re: Columbia Men Bsktball Team's Biggest Game

Brown Fan
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Date Posted: 10:29:19 02/08/25 Sat

I agree that it will be a battle today. Last week (and I don't know if it carries forward to today), Columbia was missing its best player, Rubio, and Brown was missing its best big man, Landon Lewis, after already losing all-Ivy center Nana Owusu-Anane for most or all of the season. Brown's free-throw shooting has been a difference-maker in multiple games this year.

The loss of these players explains some of each team's difficulties this season. I definitely expected better records from each, but we'll see how the ball bounces today.

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[> [> Subject: With de la Rosa out again today, the Lions start off poorly.

Valmas (Stoic)
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Date Posted: 14:23:36 02/08/25 Sat

Brown scored the game's first eleven points! Right now, it's 7-16, with more than twelve minutes remaining in the first half of play. By the way, Columbia's also been without reliable third-guard, senior Jaden Cooper, for most of the season. Of course, we all know that injuries, defections and other personnel losses are part of the process for most of those we root for and against.

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[> [> [> Subject: Final score this afternoon could be the epitaph of the Lions' season.

Valmas (Stoic)
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Date Posted: 15:23:10 02/08/25 Sat

Brown remains up 9 points this afternoon with less than fifteen minutes to play. After today, the Lions play five of their remaining seven league games on the road; and in an Ivy League where seven league wins are a necessity to even entertain the thought of post-season play, it's not looking at all good for Columbia.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Suddenly, Columbia creeps to within a single point!

Valmas (Stoic)
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Date Posted: 15:59:13 02/08/25 Sat

20 seconds left; Brown ball and time out.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Columbia Men Bsktball Team's Biggest Game

Brown Fan
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Date Posted: 16:06:23 02/08/25 Sat

Very quick whistle on the in-bound gave Columbia the ball, and Columbia capitalized. Congrats to a team that never quit. As for Brown, this makes Ivy Madness a huge uphill climb.

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[> [> [> Subject: Quick whistle; bad foul; and a most improbable occurrence.

Valmas (Stoic)
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Date Posted: 16:35:17 02/08/25 Sat

Your team has a slim lead and the ball; twenty seconds left; your team's coming out of a time out; and you're a senior (Erold) and Coach Martin probably reminded the Brown 5 NOT to foul- you've been here before and just can't allow yourself to be drawn into a foul with your team simply needing to run 20 seconds off the clock; certainly not now, of all times!
But, we eventually know enough to expect the unexpected; and Columbia regained possession to hit a free throw and a layup with 8 seconds left. Brown's star guard Lilly then missed a three at the buzzer and now The Mountain Lion just can't deny having witnessed a hard-earned two point victory, as claimed by the only coach with lifetime tenure in the whole damned Ivy League!

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Quick whistle; bad foul; and a most improbable occurrence.

The Mountain Lion
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Date Posted: 17:26:11 02/08/25 Sat

As usual, Valmas is spot on. There is no doubt that it was a wonderfully scripted victory thanks almost entirely to a freshman guard who Coach Engles has hid successfully at the far end of the bench for the entire season. I just watched the post-game interview between Columbia's announcer, Lance Medow and Coach Engles. Did Engles really say to Medow that he had no idea what happened in the final minute of the game? I hope he was joking.

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[> Subject: Re: Columbia Men Bsktball Team's Biggest Game

The Mountain Lion
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Date Posted: 16:55:48 02/08/25 Sat

As I predicted on this Board two days ago, Columbia just defeated Brown 72-70 in a very close game today at Columbia's Levien Gymnasium for the Lions first Ivy League win of the season. By their hard fought win today, the Columbia team probably got their Head Coach Jim Engles off the hook for at least awhile as Columbia fans appeared recently to be getting upset over their Athletic Director's unwillingness to terminate Coach Engles despite his 23-81 record in the Ivy League and. 70-141 overall. Columbia Coach Jim Engles was fortunate today that he got a great game from freshman guard Gerard O'Keefe who Engles had not utilized very much until today. O'Keefe was outstanding scoring on one difficult shot after another. Without him Brown would have easily won the game

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[> [> Subject: Re: Columbia Men Bsktball Team's Biggest Game

The Mountain Lion
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Date Posted: 09:24:02 02/09/25 Sun


Two questions remain: 1. Why hasn't Columbia's Athletic Director fired Lucky Jim Engles for non-performance? Engles record was and is still horrible despite Columbia's victory over Brown which was due to a 22 point game by a player who Engles overlooked until yesterday. 2. Why hasn't Lucky Peter Pilling been terminated by his superior in the Columbia Administration for non-performance of his duty of supervision over the Men's Basketball program?

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[> Subject: Re: Columbia Men Bsktball Team's Biggest Game

Old Lion (O’Keefe)
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Date Posted: 19:32:07 02/08/25 Sat

outstanding, gutsy effort by the first year who wanted the ball in crunch time and took the tough shots. We won despite
Engles, not because of him.

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[> Subject: Re: Columbia Men Bsktball Team's Biggest Game

Old Lion (O’Keefe)
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Date Posted: 05:50:12 02/09/25 Sun

I loved his aggressiveness and his ability to create space for his shot..He is a playmaker who is fearless.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Columbia Men Bsktball Team's Biggest Game

The Mountain Lion
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Date Posted: 10:24:08 02/09/25 Sun

My opinion is that Columbia's long-time sports annuncer, Lance Medow, deserved much better treatment from Columbia's Basketball Coach Jim Engles than what was afforded to him last night in his post-game interview. When Medow asked Engles a serious question about what in his mind at a crucial moment at the end of the Brown Game, Engles responded in a totally idiotic way that he had no idea and Medow should leave him alone. After the interview was over, a shocked Medow dismissed Engles nasty comments as "sarcasm," but I thought Engles comments were just silly and unprofessional. After all, to the best of my knowledge, Medow has never criticized Engles in any manner on the air despite all of Engles many screw-ups. Perhaps I am wrong, but I do think Engles owes Lance Medow an on-the-air apology before the start of the next game.

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[> [> [> Subject: Engles interview

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Date Posted: 11:25:19 02/09/25 Sun

I watched the interview based on comments here. Totally bizarre.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Engles interview

Old Lion (one theory)
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Date Posted: 11:37:41 02/09/25 Sun

Engles has already been told that he is finished at the end of the season. So he has dropped all pretense and acted like a jerk to Lance. Somebody else is coaching the team right now. Look who the players gather around during time outs—Carberry, while Engles stands 15 feet away counting down the hours before he is history. Let’s see if O’Keefe starts and gets 25-30 minutes for the rest of the season.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Engles interview

Lion Rooter
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Date Posted: 15:43:52 02/09/25 Sun

Yes I just watched the post game interview with Engles - Wow - honestly why would athletics communications put up that? pretty snide for sure and hardly funny... wonder where Coach E will end up after this debacle? Ungracious and just rude - no need for sarcasm the guy should be humble. After a strong start to the season - i can understand his frustration but perhaps the admins should just show him the door. Makes me wonder what the dynamics are with the players too.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Engles interview

Brown Fan
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Date Posted: 16:34:37 02/09/25 Sun

I only watched the interview now, as I was too busy licking my wounds. I thought that the Columbia announcers were excellent throughout the game. That interview leaves me dumbfounded -- what a first-class jerk response to a softball question. Medow deserved better.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Engles interview

Old Lion (going, going, gone)
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Date Posted: 18:37:42 02/09/25 Sun

The more I listened to that interview, the more convinced I become that Engles will be gone after the season. Had he hung on against Princeton and Yale, perhaps we would be having a different discussion. You will note that he referenced the Princeton game during that classless interview. Maybe we would have seen a better season if he hadn’t buried O’Keefe at the end of the bench.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Engles interview

The Mountain Lion
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Date Posted: 13:09:40 02/11/25 Tue

Interesting that despite all the adverse publicity on-line the Columbia Athletic Administration has yet to remove from its website Lance Medow's post-game interview of Coach Engles. You open the website and it's right there to see-Lance asking Engles a couple of excellent questions and a confused Engles responding in a highly unusual manner. With hindsight, Engles was fortunate that Medow didn't ask him how he buried the star of the game, Gerard O'Keefe, at the end of Columbia's bench for nearly the whole season. In my opinion, and certainly others, O'Keefe is clearly very talented and will enjoy a very successful basketball career at Columbia despite Coach Engles.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Columbia Men Bsktball Team's Biggest Game

The Mountain Lion
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Date Posted: 16:00:45 02/09/25 Sun

I just watched the replay on ESPN+ of Columbia's win over Brown. As Terrace72 noted, the Engles interview at the end of the game was "totally bizarre. Lance Medow asked Engles a very reasonable question about "What was your goal on the possession before the backdoor cut" when Columbia had the ball just a few seconds remaining in the game and trailing Brown. Engles'garbled response to Medow was "Honestly I don't know. I am happy we won. Don't ask me trick questions...7 game losing streak...leave me alone." I feel sorry for Medow. He's a professional and should be treated as such. To my knowledge he has never criticized Engles even once during his many broadcast. Engles should apologize to him before the start of his bext game. Of course,if Engles were smart he would resign today or tomorrow so he can say he went out winner.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Who else?

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Date Posted: 10:51:16 02/10/25 Mon

Try as I might, I cannot imagine any other Ivy coach responding in such a fashion. We are fortunate to be spared the histrionics of coaches like the Hurley brothers, to name the first two who come to mind.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Who else?

Ed S.
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Date Posted: 16:53:39 02/11/25 Tue

I agree.

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