Boston Lion
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Date Posted: 15:50:38 05/23/24 Thu
Fully concur. The issue really IS, as stated by Bengal, "which games should be required to qualify for the NCAAs in various Ivy sports, i.e. which games should count? Just the regular season record? A playoff or tiebreaker in tie situations where there is no Ivy tournament? An Ivy tournament?"
Examining that, one way of looking at this is to ask, holding all other things (e.g., injuries) equal, which of the of the following is likely to reveal which team is better:
1. Having two teams play each other 1,000 times; or
2. Having two teams play each other only once.
IMHO, the question answers itself.
And by holding all other things equal, I don't mean to disregard the effect of injuries. What I mean is that if one seeks to determine, in the purest way, which team is best, assuming for the sake of that determination that all contenders had either no injuries or were dented equivalently by injuries, what would the result be?