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And ... you're welcome ... GRIN!
In reply to:
's message, "For Me??? THIS ROCKS!!!
OMIGOSH, Tat! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Hee! I LOVE it! Your talent just keeps surpassing anything I have ever seen! Man, wouldn't it be TOO FUNNY, if Paul plans for the nut-job to try her hand at shooting mother-dustbag? Hahaha! I hope her aim has improved...(GRIN!) And the thing is - even if he didn't plan it, he inadvertantly left her his weapon, which she can (and would as we all know) use to frame our guy for the crime. However, I am thinking if it gets the dustbag off my show....I'M FOR IT! Hee! And hey, Jen - I understand your fears, too. But c'mon....the dustbag really dead? What a hoot that would be! LMAO!" on 05:53:05 11/03/08 Mon
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