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Geez! This is a real trifecta of crap. Meg is being a moron about Dusty, that cold bony bitch Emily (who only has two reactions in any given situation) is "helping" (yeah, right ... selfish sunt only helps herself) Paul, and Blinky is coming back? You know what? This is typical Soap these days ... but lemme tell ya ... this SUCKS.
MY only interest in this whole mire of misbegotten nonsense is RH's portrayal of Paul. Because unlike the so-called Real Roger Fans (barf) I think RH's Paul is ALWAYS worth it. Them? Intellectually dishonest TROLLS who only like RH when his character is doing what THEY want his character to do. Yeah. REAL fans.
And girly man? A misogynist melt-down just waiting to happen. AND I will be there to laugh at the fallout. What a stupid con that one is."
on 03:42:35 03/06/09 Fri