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Roger just rocked the house. From his sly amiability with Lucy to his new resolve with Meg, RH's portrayal of Paul was so multifaceted, so on key, so well done that the underlying metaphor of his final scene with Meg just sprang out. Paul and Meg and the "strip scene" was an exact mirroring of what Meg has been doing to Paul. Exact. And don't get me wrong ... regardless of all the bullshit that the writers seem compelled to drown Paul and Meg in ... I still am rooting for Peg. BUT! I had little empathy for Meg because I STILL vividly remember her sending DUSTY with Eliza for Paul's visitation. I still vividly remember all the things she has done to Paul about Eliza. All of her support of Dusty's demands about Paul, his dealings with Paul. Vividly.
In reply to:
's message, "SOME WEDNESDAY PAUL SNAPPYS!" on 00:06:15 04/09/09 Thu
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