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Emily as usual lived down to my lowest expectations. If she wasn't sef-centered, she wouldn't have any center at all. Well. Except for the HO le. Bwaaaaaaaa!
In reply to:
's message, "And you're so right about Paul using the nut-job. Any thing he has to do with her will be to his own advantage. I'm quite sure Paul doesn't see her as 'the best thing that ever happened to him' - and it's a little scary for Paul to do this. But she is too easy to fool. I just keep hoping that she doesn't involve a gun this time. OMIGOSH!! Paul's soul-MAT!!! Heehee! So true! And I find it truly baffling (and hilarious) that some TnB'ers are actually on the twits' nut-job train! WHAT??? (I guess that's why they feel comfortable ripping each others memes off.) Neither side has an ounce of credibilty left. Everyone will learn quickly just how bad the nut-job is for Paul - and he already knows. His expressions - and mannerisms - toward her on Tuesday left no doubt about it. " on 22:43:22 08/13/09 Thu
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