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Week of 9/28 - 10/2
Total Viewers
1. Y&R 4,964,000 (-314,000/+25,000)
2. B&B 3,261,000 (-125,000/-324,000)
3. DAYS 2,903,000 (+39,000/+397,000)
4. GH 2,635,000 (-35,000/-310,000)
5. OLTL 2,465,000 (+3,000/-29,000)
6. AMC 2,448,000 (-74,000/+67,000)
7. ATWT 2,386,000 (-168,000/-346,000)
1. Y&R 3.6/13 (-.2/same)
2. B&B 2.4/8 (-.1/-.2)
3. DAYS 2.1/7 (same/+.2)
4. GH 2.0/6 (same/-.3)
5. AMC 1.9/6 (-.1/+.1)
5. OLTL 1.9/6 (same/same)
7. ATWT 1.8/6 (-.1/-.2)
And it also rated LAST in Women Viewers 18-49, Women 18-34, and LAST in the daily ratings, too.
And to Jean Passanante - NO! They are NOT fun!!! They are not great together - and you OBVIOUSLY have NO CLUE about their horrid history. Buy a clue. Read up on it. Study it. BEFORE you make such uninformed comments in a public rag.
Shout out to emac - who pointed out the pitiful ratings weeks before these numbers came out.
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