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....Because our guy is returning to OLTL!!!!!! YAY!!
....And that's us up there, because no matter the insults, FU's, all around bullsh!t, and ever so knowledgeable (NOT!) claims posted recently....on both sides of the fence...
And admittedly, we don't know 100% yet that Roger will be reprising his most iconic role ever, we are gonna take Kristen Alderson's tweet "It's official! Daddy's back!!!!!!!!" to mean that he will indeed be returning as the one and ONLY Todd Manning! (Note: It does not take laying any type of deity on the guy - which we have never done - to know that no one can do it like Roger!)
So, they can all have that little weasel - and leave Roger's Todd to us! That would make us very happy!!
And you know what else? If they were twice as smart as they believe they are, they'd still be at the bottom of the intelligence barrell. Wanna see the 'worst soap fans' ever? Look in the mirror.